Another 3 banger tonight! Be sure to watch

It’s that time of the year again.  You know, when basketball, hockey and baseball mix together.  Usually for us we only get to watch one of those games.  But it just so happens that one of those games is a playoff game.  I don’t know about your area but I know up here all 3 will be televised for a change, amazing cannot believe it!  Phills will be on local 16 while the Sixers will be on comcast and the Flyers will be on Versus.  Last time I predicted that we would go 3-0 and only the Phillies held up to their side of the bargin and we ended up going 1-2.  So this time I will predict nothing, since its a playoff game I’ve learned my lesson.  Here are the time for all of the games that will be played.  Lets hope we have a good “city night”.

Sixers @ Cavs 8pm

Flyers @ Penguins  7pm

Phillies @ Nationals  7:o5pm


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